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Exercise: Thermal conductivity of CuI from BTE#

In this exercise, you will:

  • Calculate thermal conductivity from BTE
  • Compare phonon lifetime from aiGK and BTE

Setting up Phono3py calculations#

Prepare geometry#

The BTE calculation with Phono3py requires first principle calculations of displaced supercells. To prepare the calculation, we need to prepare primitive cell and a supercell matrix of the target system, following the same procedure as introduced in the section of Setting up phonon calculations in the previous phonon tutorial.


Apart from the settings for first principles calculation, [phono3py] settings need specifying, including the supercell matrix that we require, and the working directory.

supercell_matrix:              [-3,  3,  3,  3, -3,  3,  3,  3, -3]
workdir:                       phono3py

Here is a example of

Example of

name:                          aims
socketio:                      true

xc:                            pbesol
compute_forces:                true

density:                       2

Cu:                            light
I:                             light

supercell_matrix:              [-3,  3,  3,  3, -3,  3,  3,  3, -3]
cutoff_pair_distance:          6.0
workdir:                       phono3py

The supercell_matrix should be carefully chosen as we discussed before in phonon calculations. The third-order force decays fast for non-ionic crystals, so a cutoff_pair_distance can be applied to reduce number of the displaced supercells. For CuI, the cutoff distance of \(6.0\) Å will reduce the number of the displaced structures from \(716\) to \(102\). In practice calculations, both the supercell size and cutoff distances should be carefully converged.

After preparing and, we need to submit the calculation with a submission script

Example for the submission script on the webinar cluster
#!/bin/bash -l
# Standard output and error:
#SBATCH -o ./slurm.stdout
#SBATCH -e ./slurm.stderr
# Initial working directory:
# Standard output and error:
#SBATCH -o ./slurm.stdout
#SBATCH -e ./slurm.stderr
# Initial working directory:
# Job Name:
# Number of nodes and MPI tasks per node:
#SBATCH --nodes=1
# HPC7a
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=192
# Wall clock limit:
#SBATCH --time=10:00:00

module purge
module load fhi-aims vibes

vibes run phono3py
Output information
[]    run phono3py workflow with settings from

[calculator]   Update aims k_grid with kpt density of 2 to [2, 2, 2]
[calculator]   .. add `sc_accuracy_rho: 1e-06` to parameters (default)
[calculator]   .. add `relativistic: atomic_zora scalar` to parameters (default)
[calculator]   .. add `output_level: MD_light` to parameters (default)
[calculator]   Add basisset `light` for atom `Cu` to basissets folder.
[calculator]   Add basisset `light` for atom `I` to basissets folder.
[calculator]   Calculator: aims
[calculator]   settings:
[calculator]     xc: pbesol
[calculator]     compute_forces: True
[calculator]     k_grid: [2, 2, 2]
[calculator]     sc_accuracy_rho: 1e-06
[calculator]     relativistic: atomic_zora scalar
[calculator]     output_level: MD_light
[calculator]     use_pimd_wrapper: ('localhost', 10011)
[calculator]     aims_command: /talos/u/shuoz/bin/
[calculator]     species_dir: /talos/u/shuoz/data/240919_aigk_tutorial/phono3py/phono3py/basissets
[vibes]        Run phonopy workflow in working directory
[trajectory]   Start phonopy postprocess:
[trajectory]   Parse `/talos/u/shuoz/data/240919_aigk_tutorial/phono3py/phono3py/trajectory.son`
[son] open file:  /talos/u/shuoz/data/240919_aigk_tutorial/phono3py/phono3py/trajectory.son
[socketio]     Use SocketIO with host localhost and port 10011
[backup]       /talos/u/shuoz/data/240919_aigk_tutorial/phono3py/phono3py/calculations does not exist, nothing to back up.
[vibes]        Compute structure 1 of 102: working
[vibes]        Compute structure 1 of 102: finished.
[vibes]        Compute structure 2 of 102: working

In the output information, you will find that 102 displaced supercells are generated for calculating the third order force constant.


After the calculation is finished, we need to change directory to phono3py/output, and run

phono3py-load phono3py_params.yaml --mesh 6 6 6 --br

The mesh setting --mesh 6 6 6 is the \(q\) mesh density where the phonon-phonon scattering events is calculated. The thermal conductivity related properties will be written into kappa-m666.hdf5.

Output of phono3py-load phono3py_params.yaml --mesh 6 6 6 --br
----------- Thermal conductivity (W/m-k) with tetrahedron method -----------
#  T(K)        xx         yy         zz         yz         xz         xy        
    0.0       0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
  10.0    3712.697   3712.697   3712.697     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  20.0     583.927    583.927    583.927     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  30.0     160.918    160.918    160.918     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  40.0      73.503     73.503     73.503     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  50.0      44.940     44.940     44.940     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  60.0      32.054     32.054     32.054     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  70.0      24.949     24.949     24.949     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  80.0      20.490     20.490     20.490     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  90.0      17.435     17.435     17.435     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  100.0      15.208     15.208     15.208     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  110.0      13.509     13.509     13.509     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  120.0      12.167     12.167     12.167     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  130.0      11.079     11.079     11.079     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  140.0      10.176     10.176     10.176     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  150.0       9.415      9.415      9.415     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  160.0       8.764      8.764      8.764     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  170.0       8.200      8.200      8.200     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  180.0       7.706      7.706      7.706     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  190.0       7.270      7.270      7.270     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  200.0       6.882      6.882      6.882     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  210.0       6.534      6.534      6.534     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  220.0       6.220      6.220      6.220     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  230.0       5.936      5.936      5.936     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  240.0       5.677      5.677      5.677     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  250.0       5.440      5.440      5.440     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  260.0       5.223      5.223      5.223     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  270.0       5.022      5.022      5.022     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  280.0       4.837      4.837      4.837     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  290.0       4.665      4.665      4.665     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  300.0       4.504      4.504      4.504     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  310.0       4.355      4.355      4.355     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  320.0       4.215      4.215      4.215     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  330.0       4.085      4.085      4.085     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  340.0       3.962      3.962      3.962     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  350.0       3.846      3.846      3.846     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  360.0       3.737      3.737      3.737     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  370.0       3.634      3.634      3.634     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  380.0       3.537      3.537      3.537     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  390.0       3.444      3.444      3.444     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  400.0       3.357      3.357      3.357     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  410.0       3.274      3.274      3.274     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  420.0       3.194      3.194      3.194     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  430.0       3.119      3.119      3.119     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  440.0       3.047      3.047      3.047     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  450.0       2.979      2.979      2.979     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  460.0       2.913      2.913      2.913     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  470.0       2.850      2.850      2.850     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  480.0       2.790      2.790      2.790     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  490.0       2.733      2.733      2.733     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  500.0       2.677      2.677      2.677     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  510.0       2.624      2.624      2.624     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  520.0       2.573      2.573      2.573     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  530.0       2.524      2.524      2.524     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  540.0       2.477      2.477      2.477     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  550.0       2.432      2.432      2.432     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  560.0       2.388      2.388      2.388     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  570.0       2.346      2.346      2.346     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  580.0       2.305      2.305      2.305     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  590.0       2.266      2.266      2.266     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  600.0       2.228      2.228      2.228     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  610.0       2.191      2.191      2.191     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  620.0       2.155      2.155      2.155     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  630.0       2.121      2.121      2.121     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  640.0       2.087      2.087      2.087     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  650.0       2.055      2.055      2.055     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  660.0       2.024      2.024      2.024     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  670.0       1.993      1.993      1.993     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  680.0       1.964      1.964      1.964     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  690.0       1.935      1.935      1.935     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  700.0       1.908      1.908      1.908     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  710.0       1.881      1.881      1.881     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  720.0       1.854      1.854      1.854     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  730.0       1.829      1.829      1.829     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  740.0       1.804      1.804      1.804     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  750.0       1.780      1.780      1.780     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  760.0       1.756      1.756      1.756     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  770.0       1.733      1.733      1.733     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  780.0       1.711      1.711      1.711     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  790.0       1.689      1.689      1.689     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  800.0       1.668      1.668      1.668     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  810.0       1.647      1.647      1.647     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  820.0       1.627      1.627      1.627     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  830.0       1.608      1.608      1.608     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  840.0       1.588      1.588      1.588     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  850.0       1.570      1.570      1.570     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  860.0       1.551      1.551      1.551     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  870.0       1.533      1.533      1.533     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  880.0       1.516      1.516      1.516     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  890.0       1.499      1.499      1.499     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  900.0       1.482      1.482      1.482     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  910.0       1.466      1.466      1.466     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  920.0       1.450      1.450      1.450     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  930.0       1.434      1.434      1.434     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  940.0       1.419      1.419      1.419     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  950.0       1.404      1.404      1.404     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  960.0       1.389      1.389      1.389     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  970.0       1.375      1.375      1.375     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  980.0       1.361      1.361      1.361     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
  990.0       1.347      1.347      1.347     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000
1000.0       1.333      1.333      1.333     -0.000     -0.000     -0.000

We find that the thermal conductivity at 300 K is 4.5 W/mK at this \(q\) mesh density. For production calculations, you should converge the mesh size. For example, with a \(20 \times 20 \times 20\) mesh, we get a converged, room-temperature thermal conductivity of 5.92 W/mK.


In comparison to our result, the experimental thermal conductivity of CuI is reported to be much lower, around 1.68 W/mK 1. Our BTE calculation overestimates this value by more than 350%. We will discuss the reasons for this disagreement in the following section.


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  1. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, David R. Lide, Ed. 79th Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1998.